The Gift

Alright! Today’s assignment is here. It’s a double acrostic! Here’s the one. Hope it’s good enough!
©2015lavanya99. All rights reserved.

The Gift..

Nonchalant, a situation hiT
Embossed in her mind,                          like the light in a cellaR
Verily moonlit, in the garden he’d said;”All that matters is yoU.”
Enchanted by his words, her heart     screamed a yeS
Reminiscence, when it came to hear her plighT
Betrothed ,earlier when she’d been to his woO,
Ease escaped, and so did her gloW
And so now she said ‘no’ to him,like a greased paN,
Leaves not it’s dirt; this gift of herS,
Of learning from her past experiencE.
Now she stood confident, no fooL
Embracing, in the moonlight, herselF.

Thank you for reading. Please do give in your feedback!

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